Save the Date!

March 6, 2025

Disability Rights Advocacy Day

The Arc Chapters

There are 15 chapters of The Arc in Colorado including the state chapter and 14 local chapters serving designated geographic areas. Local chapters provide individual advocacy services for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities who live in their service areas. Learn More >>

Take Action

Help the The Arc of Colorado as we build a larger, stronger movement of people with disabilities, parents, siblings, and allies that are fighting for positive policy changes at the Colorado Legislature. You can follow our action at the Capitol by subscribing to our new Advocacy Tool (upcoming) to receive our action alerts, upcoming events and following us with our new Legislative Bill Tracker. Learn More >>

Get Involved

New perspectives and new voices help us to ensure that our efforts are at the cutting-edge of policy today. There are many ways to get involved such as fighting for policy changes at the Colorado Capitol by becoming a member of a local chapter, donating or volunteering, and following our work at the Capitol through our Legislative Bill TrackerLearn More >>

Capitol Dome Icon

Take Action at the Capitol

View our Colorado Legislative Bill Tracker- The Arc of Colorado 2024 Legislation Tracker

Visit The Arc of Colorado Take Action Network – New info coming soon

Sign up for Action Alerts and E-News – New info coming soon

Independence and Decision-Making for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Independence and Decision-Making for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites infographic - 83% decide what their daily schedule will consist of on a regular basis, 87% decide how to use their spending money, 30% chose who their roomates would be or chose to live alone, 86% chose or had some help choosing where they work, 25% participate in self-advocacy meetings

Everyone should achieve their full potential

The Arc of Colorado provides system advocacy, public awareness, community education, and support for self-advocacy organizations across the state for persons with I/DD and their families. Each of the 14 local Arc chapters, provide unique services based on the needs of their community.