The Arc Colorado is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donation helps support the work we do in advocacy, education and community organizing. If you would like to make an one-time online donation, please complete the form above.
Mail a Donation
Alternatively, you may mail your tax-deductible donation to:
The Arc Colorado
1580 Logan Street, Suite 930
Denver, CO 80203
Make a Donation to Arc Thrift Stores
The Arc Colorado receives majority of its funding through the operations of the ARC Thrift stores. We appreciate your donations of used household goods, furniture and clothing to the thrift stores. You can also donate your used vehicle to the ARC Thrift stores – please remember to mention The Arc Colorado when you call to donate a vehicle. We also encourage your patronage of the stores.
For more information about ARC Thrift stores or to print a receipt for your records, please go to www.arcthrift.com. To schedule a pick up of used items or to donate a vehicle, call 303-238-5263.